DC’s Forever Evil Calls For A Crisis (Spoilers)

Brutal honesty moment here for you all, I only read one issue of Forever Evil. One single issue of Forever Evil was all I could handle because I did not like that book. As Forever Evil hit just after the Trinity War series I did for Comics Crux maybe I’d look into expanding into Forever Evil. Even Trinity War had managed to at least do enough to get me interested in reading more. After that one issue I just couldn’t read any further into the series. I kept loose tabs on Forever Evil but nothing more than that. Barely paid attention to the whole hooded prisoner or anything else involving the series. Forever Evil did a number in killing my interest in DC after the slight high I got after finding myself enjoying Trinity War by the end. Now I’m reading about the aftermath of Forever Evil #7 and you know DC may have more potential after the event than when it was happening.

)By the way I did spoil myself on this purposely but if anyone on here reads it or plans on reading the series later, here’s your spoiler warning. I start spoiling the heck out of Forever Evil #7 now. You have been warned in the best authoritative voice I can make.)

Let’s go for the fun appearances, Ted Kord officially in the New 52. Oh my sweet lord that made me smile. Any chance of me getting the Ted Kord Blue Beetle back and somehow Booster Gold in the picture again makes me smile. I’m an old school Justice League International fan and love the Blue and Gold combination of awesome. Even better that there’s the concept of Lex Luthor as a good guy in the picture. He’s learned Bruce Wayne is Batman. Yes, Lex Luthor knows Bruce Wayne is Batman in the New 52. That is crazy but cool at the same time. You may also be surprised to find out that I actually am hyped for the Grayson book, the concept intrigues me. Of course the one major piece of fallout from Forever Evil is what may get me checking DC Comics on a more regular basis, say hello to the Anti-Monitor.

People had been wondering what DC Comics was going to do next year for the 30th anniversary of Crisis on Infinite Earths. Bringing the Anti-Monitor back in play is a major push towards the future of the DC Universe. I don’t think that this is a sign that the old DCU is making a comeback, this is likely a setup for the Earth 2 weekly and Future’s End. Putting Anti-Monitor against Darkseid is an attention getter for me. For the first time in a long time I feel as though stuff is happening in the New 52. Not just here’s one event, here’s another event, oh look at that another event, and now an actual something to grasp onto. I’m amazed, I’m legit amazed that somehow in the midst of Forever Evil that DC is starting to find a groove.

If Forever Evil’s biggest success manages to create interest in the New 52, they may have succeeded. This is the first time in a long time I’ve actually been wanting to see more of DC Comics. All I can say for DC Comics going into the rest of this year into 2015, don’t screw this up. Keep up this wave of excitement and energy in your line. If you manage to screw this up, I don’t know what to tell you. Go big or go home DC Comics because at this point, The New 52 needs this spark of life in the worst way possible. Crisis in the New 52 has a nice ring to it don’t you think?

Update: If you want to know more of the beats of Forever Evil that I didn’t catch check out @Jawiin’s video he did on the event. He did a great job with it.



About Wesley Messer

columnist/reviewer at rhymeswithgeek.com, geek culture examiner at examiner.com and general jack of all trades in everything else.

Posted on May 22, 2014, in DC Comics, Thoughts of the Humble Host and tagged anti-monitor, bruce wayne, crisis on infinite earths, DC Universe, DCU, forever evil, lex luthor, New 52, trinity war. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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