The Future of Agents of SHIELD in The Second Season (Spoilers)

(Before we even start, this is going to be spoiler heavy as to what the season finale of Agents of SHIELD revealed. Turn back now because I’m not going to be holding back a single spoiler here. You have been warned.)

Agents of SHIELD has been on the uptick in the latter half of the season. After a good but uneven beginning no one can deny that the series ended on a strong note for the season finale. Captain America: Winter Soldier opened the doors for Agents of SHIELD to become the series everyone hoped it would be. Agents of SHIELD started as NCIS in the Marvel Universe and now the show feels like a true part of the Marvel Movie-Verse. I liked the show but could tell it was uneven in trying to figure out where it fit into the larger spectrum of Marvel’s plans. The NCIS comparison isn’t unfair because that’s how the series was promoted in a sense, I’m getting now it was the throw us off the scent as to what was to come. As they introduced the elements fans demanded to see, never seemed to work the way the show wanted. Of course the attitude started to change once Lady Sif made her first appearance, that’s when it all became evident that things were going to change rapidly.

By the way for all of those who are still reading at this point, this is where I start spoiling the season finale. The only way I’m going to be able to talk about this in any fashion is with spoiler theater. Now that the disclaimer has been put in twice, let’s begin the full chat. As the second season has opened up to Agent Coulson becoming Director Coulson and rebuilding SHIELD over the next season. Now that Nick Fury has at least explained why we’re not likely see Samuel L. Jackson much in Avengers: Age of Ultron, the door is opened for this daring new world. As Guardians of the Galaxy explores the cosmic side of Marvel Movie-Verse, Agents of SHIELD gives us the Earth side of things to set up Avengers: Age of Ultron. While the show can be used as a logical tie-in fest, the series has mysteries of its own to deal with.

I loved how John Garrett was handled at the end of the show, I couldn’t help but laugh. Laughing in a good way just when you think that John Garrett could be back after being smacked down with new technology, Coulson zaps him and that’s that. The way the scene was set had to be done to show everyone that Season Two would put Agents of SHIELD is a new direction. The mystery of Skye’s Dad revealed alone will be occupying a good part of the season it seems, why in the world was he dripping blood? Again more questions and exciting ones as the series is now on new footing. Of course now Coulson is doing that weird thing Garrett was doing in the finale with the graph of sorts, I’m wondering how that’ll play out in the next season.

As for everything else, please let Trip be confirmed as new cast member! I think he’s awesome and a great replacement for Ward on the team. Heartbreaking in this was FitzSimmons and the fate of that team, Fitz is not dead but that’s the only thing Simmons will say this point. Even further, yay Patton Oswalt is still on Agents of SHIELD! I swear the Koenings are likely life model decoys but whatever the case may be, Patton Oswalt still being on Agents of SHIELD is awesome. So many possibilities are being set for the next season, I can’t wait for it to begin.  Now let’s all wait in anticipation for the next season and see just what the series has in store for us. I’d love to hear from you all on this so feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear from you all on this.


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About Wesley Messer

columnist/reviewer at, geek culture examiner at and general jack of all trades in everything else.

Posted on May 14, 2014, in Comic Book Television, Marvel Comics, Thoughts of the Humble Host and tagged abc, agent coulson, agents of shield, comic book television, Marvel Comics, nick fury, Wesley Messer. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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